Cheap options to start creating digitally!

    Drawing and painting digitally is not as expensive as you may think. Here are some options to get you on your way at an affordable price.The first, and probably most amazing one is an app called Procreate.
The app itself costs $5.99. It is incredible and rivals many high priced options out there.
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Final products take time

    Hi Guys and Girls, I am writing this blog to ensure you that some final products take time to evolve. Sometimes we think that the artist has sat down and produced a masterpiece. This is not true. Every artist will tell you the same thing. It takes time for a drawing/painting/piece to evolve. The countless hours of practice have led to the result you see in front of you. It’s not natural ability that sets someone apart as an artist. It’s tireless hours spent practicing different angles and new techniques that has set the artist apart. Natural ability will only take you so far, and if this ability is not molded and honed, the skill or potential will not be fully realized. Don’t worry if your first iterations are not what you feel they should be. I can attest to the fact that many drawings and styles evolve with time. Developing your potential is something you need to be committed to as well as proud of. Give yourself a pat on the back for each milestone achieved. Every hurdle overcome is a victory and should be treated as such. You just need to believe in yourself and practice as much as you can can. The sky is the limit after that!!!!!
