Creating from a place of detachment

    Every artist has been through it. The time when what’s in your head is just not translating onto the page. The more we cling and struggle with a piece, the more it seems to lose it’s original intent. The more it loses it ‘soul’ so to speak. We have all heard the phrase, ‘detach from your work’. A relaxed and detached mindset is the difference between enjoying every piece you do and wrestling with your work (a form of constant struggle).  When one doesn’t detach from there work it’s like trying to open a gate without the key. Fortunately the key is under the mat and you will not expend much energy (or money) to open the gate. A relaxed mindset can be achieved by meditating before you get down to creating. The time spent meditating will be paid back to you ‘tenfold’ once you get into the habit. Meditation allows us to enjoy each piece we produce and gives us the opportunity to get ‘out of our heads’ and let the pen/brush or stylus do the work. The benefits of meditation are well documented. Why not bring the wisdom of the mystics and sages to the table when creating. I remember a great quote from the movie ‘The Legend of Bagger Vance’ (directed by Robert Redford). Bagger Vance (played by Will Smith) said something very profound, yet very simple. He said ‘your hands is wiser than your head is ever gonna be’. It’s this quote that emphasises how important it is to be present and relaxed while creating.  Meditation allows you to get to that place quite quickly, you might even find the residual benefits in everyday life to be quite staggering! Paint/draw/ create without inhibition!



Cheap options to start creating digitally!

    Drawing and painting digitally is not as expensive as you may think. Here are some options to get you on your way at an affordable price.The first, and probably most amazing one is an app called Procreate.
The app itself costs $5.99. It is incredible and rivals many high priced options out there.
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